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How to Get Xiaohongshu Cookie

This article explains how to get the Cookie from Xiaohongshu web version.


  1. Both the web version and the creator service platform need to be logged in with the same account.
  2. The Cookie may expire after a period of time and needs to be obtained again.
  3. Logging out will cause the Cookie to expire.


1. Log in to Xiaohongshu Web Version

Visit in your browser and log in to your account.

2. Log in to Xiaohongshu Creator Service Platform

Visit in your browser and log in with the same account.

Note: Both the web version and the creator service platform need to be logged in with the same account.

3. Open Developer Tools

Right-click on the web page, select Inspect, open the developer tools, and switch to the Network tab.

Xiaohongshu Developer Tools

Post any note:

Xiaohongshu Developer Tools

Observe the requests in the developer tools, find the POST request with the URL

Xiaohongshu Developer Tools

In the Request Headers, find the Cookie field, which is the Xiaohongshu Cookie:

Xiaohongshu Developer Tools